

Morphisec’s world-leading prevention-first software stops ransomware and other advanced attacks from the endpoint to the cloud. Bornsec Consulting enhances end customers’ security posture with Morphisec niche cyber security solutions.


The Morphisec Breach Prevention Platform 

The Morphisec breach prevention platform empowers IT and security teams of all sizes to strengthen essential systems against cutting-edge and disruptive cyber threats, even if they lack prior knowledge. Whether it’s endpoints, servers, or the cloud, Morphisec simplifies cybersecurity, preventing any unwanted appearances in the headlines. 

  • Endpoint Breach Prevention 
  • Server and Cloud Workload Breach Prevention 
  • Vulnerability Management 
  • Incident Response 


Breach prevention platform enables IT and security teams.


Protect On-Premise and Cloud Servers.

Enhance NGAV & EDR with


Traditional cybersecurity tools fall short, detecting extensively but preventing inadequately. Businesses suffer significant financial losses due to unknown, fileless, and in-memory attacks evading signature-based defenses. These threats encompass ransomware, emerging malware, supply chain attacks, and unpatched vulnerabilities.

Traditional antivirus and EDR tools fall short in safeguarding servers, and relying solely on application controls is inadequate against sophisticated threats. Following Gartner’s advice on Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP), organizations are advised to prioritize a zero-trust runtime protection solution over AV/EDR. This proactive approach eliminates the risk of malicious code execution on servers, spanning across on-premises environments, virtual machines, and containers. 


Incident Response Services 

The Incident Response team collaborates closely with client organizations, promptly addressing critical security incidents. Through forensic analysis, we identify and mitigate immediate cyberattacks, offering valuable recommendations to minimize your organization’s risk exposure. 

The Incident Response team brings a wealth of expertise in the investigation of security incidents. 

Utilizing this wealth of experience, our IR team aims to: 

  • Swiftly contain ongoing incidents and minimize potential damage. 
  • Offer strategic recommendations for sustained risk reduction in the long term. 
  • Conduct thorough audits of critical infrastructure, ensuring minimal risk exposure to cyber-attacks for your organization. 

Speak to an Expert

[email protected] | 9900537711