Hipaa Compliance Assessment

Healthcare Combo

The health insurance portability and accountability is an essential set of regulations and played significant part in encouraging healthcare organisations to transition from paper records to digital copies of health data.

The regulations helped the administrative healthcare functions and helped to make sure PHI is shared securely

Bornsec Consulting comply with HIPPA privacy rule which cover the Three main categories

Healthcare HIPPA compliance assessment

EMR-EHR assessment helps your organisation to perform digital formatting which enables the information to be used and shared over secured networks

EMR-EHR systems are designed to store data accurately and to capture the state of a patient across time. It destroys the need to track down a patient’s previous paper medical records and help in ensuring data is up-to-date, correct, and eligible. It also prefer open consultation between the patient and the provider, while providing “privacy and security.” It can reduce risk of data copying as there is only one modifiable file, which means the file is more likely up to date and decreases risk of lost paperwork and is cost efficient.

Significant parameters of EMR-EHR below

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